Description:This App of the Q-OnTheFly ecosystem of Qontinuum turns the Smartphone into a Portable Terminal or "dial clock" that facilitates the User to declare to his Company, remotely, information about each time he starts or ends the relevant CDP Operations and the possible CDP Incidents that affect a Work Order when it is carried out outside the usual premises (subcontractors, relocations, repairs and maintenance, etc.), as well as facilitating the User to make the appropriate time stamps or presence, being able to indicate if it "enters" or if it "leaves" as well as the CP Incidents that were necessary to justify its markings.Characteristics:· Supports up to 9999 CDP Operations (text displayed on screen).· Supports up to 99 CDP Incidents (the text appears on the screen).· Provides the geolocation of the User by registering the GPS position of the Smartphone.· Connectivity only with WinProd and / or WinPres application programs (Mf_CRM).· Real-time communication.Previous revisions:· Fixed an error in the date of the markings when they were made during the month of February of a non-leap year.· Fixed a bug related to SIM cards containing an ICCID with "F" characters.· Added in the "Properties" menu the option Specialty so that the User can choose between "Capture of Work Orders" and "Capture of Markings."· Added a message for the notice that the Server does not have a License, when the G-SECUR model Kit is not present on the QOTF Server.· Added a filter in the annotation of the IP Address that only allows to enter numbers and periods.